

  • In my academic research, I often focus on rural–urban change and aim at understanding and solving problems related to landscape perception and land use change in mountain environments—mainly combining (1) landscape theory, (2) land cover/land use mapping, and (3) qualitative social research. I have a strong interest in transdisciplinary cocreation for sustainable development.


  • The regional foci of my work are on the European Alps and the central Andes. For the sake of comparison, I am also interested in other mountain regions.


  • I have a great interest in international collaboration and participation in joint European (e.g., Horizon Europe and the Interreg Alpine Space, CENTRAL EUROPE, and Danube Transnational programs) and other projects focusing on mountain research and development in its broadest sense. My proven multiyear track record in national and international project initiating, planning, implementing, controlling, and closing, as well as experience in leading projects and worpackages, facilitate the building of partnerships and guarantee a smooth research and development process. Looking for an Austrian project partner? Let us get in touch!